Leadership circles and supervision

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Tap in to the wisdom around you


It is increasingly well known and understood, that some form of reflective practice that supports awareness, and a deeper level of learning is a fundamental requirement for leadership roles.  How else can learning be extracted from what we experience? How else can we check and challenge our assumptions? How else can we use our learning to adapt our approach, leading a higher level of decision-making and more effective follow-through action? 

While this principle is well known however, many senior leaders find that there are few opportunities to apply it within their normal working practices. Invariably, they are incredibly busy and with a plethora of demands on their time, energy and attention.

To better support leaders to slow down in order to speed up, we have created a mechanism called Leadership Circles, to support teams and small groups of leaders, to pause, reflect, share their learning, and to explore, with the help of their colleagues, innovative approaches to old and new leadership challenges.

From our experience, these forums not only keep the topic of leadership alive and energised, but also create the opportunity to strengthen relationships and to build further clarity on expectations, needs and requirements between colleagues and team members. In the team environment, it also ensures that changes and adaptations that have been discussed and agreed by the team remain ‘present’, applicable and relevant, and continue to build upon the core interdependencies for delivery.

Leadership circles


The purpose of any programme of Leadership Circles is to provide you the dedicated space and time to explore your leadership, your sense of teamship, and the core challenges which you face within your role, while creating a problem-solving and peer learning forum which re-enforces collaboration and cohesion and the ability of colleagues to ‘learn live’ the best way to improve and get things done.


The scheduling of 1-hour interview with each member of the Leadership Circle to familiarise them with the process, to stimulate thought and reflection on their leadership strengths and current challenges, and to clarify their personal objectives.

A series of 2 to 3-hour face-to-face leadership Circle sessions, scheduled every 2 to 3 months.

If you recognise that you, your colleagues and those you lead would benefit from knowing more about this programme, please get in touch.

Coaching supervision

Coaching supervision is undertaken in the recognition that Executive Coaching can be an intense and occasionally isolating process. We believe that engaging in a consistent supervisory relationship is a core ingredient in the continued learning, and development of coaches.

The purpose of supervision is therefore to:

  Reinforce personal commitment and enable the coach to maintain a high level of self-awareness as to their value and efficacy.

  Maintain the development of coaching skills and confidence.

  Provide a safe and confidential environment to discuss personal challenges and coaching issues, while supporting the development of a systemic perspective.

  Create effective quality assurance and highlights potential blind spots and bad habits.

We have based our methods of supervision on our experience of supporting the accredited development of several thousand coaches over the last 20 years and therefore aim to create a supervisory environment that:

  Is enjoyable, informative and creates a safe and confidential space in which to reflect on their coaching and share their work in confidence.

 Creates the opportunity for them to receive feedback, guidance, let off steam, gain insight and understanding.

 Create insight and awareness, alerting coaches to possible pitfalls/boundary issues, etc.

 Enables them to feel valued for what they do - and to acknowledge feelings of disturbance/pleasure/failure, etc.

 Includes an effective balance of support and challenge to continue their development and to learn from others.

 Has a clear intention to help them become a better coach, by encouraging them to identify clear learning goals and to value their strengths.


Individual Coaching Supervision sessions are normally one hour in duration and depending on the level of coaching activity being undertaken by the coach, these are scheduled on a monthly or bimonthly basis.

Group Supervision sessions are normally two or three hours in duration, and are scheduled every two months. We limit the size of supervision groups to no more than six coaches.

If you would like to know more about individual or Group Supervision, please get in touch.

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Centre for Teams has really worked wonders for our team, unlocking the potential for greater wellbeing as well as ambition and sales drive and the creation of a much more collaborative and well-functioning team. It also came at a critical time for the business as we prepared for a major transaction which has allowed us to significantly expand our market impact. I cannot recommend them highly enough.
Peter McMenemy

Partner, Allio & Konrad, part of Siemens

Centre for Teams has added huge value to my personal development, as well as to my Senior Leadership Team. This has allowed my team to outperform my areas of my business, especially around strategic direction and ambiguity in a complex working environment. I would not hesitate in recommending Centre for Teams for Senior Leadership Development, to achieve a high-performing team.
Rob Keen

Director, Thames Water

If we were The Beatles, you would definitely be known as The Sixth Beatle.
Antony Mayfield

CEO, Brilliant Noise

A heartfelt thank you to Centre for Teams for leading us through an action-packed and powerful three days of personal discovery and team formation. It was a quite transformative process. We’ve come out the other side thinking of things in remarkable and different ways. Quite moving.
Steve De Albuquerque

Global Chief, Health and Safety Assurance, Conoco Phillips

Centre for Teams has helped me and my senior management colleagues develop our own skills and style, manage our teams better, and push through some big changes in the organization with much greater effectiveness, ease and mindfulness of the implications. I would thoroughly recommend them.
Anthony Grower

Marketing Specialist

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