Team Leadership

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Develop the art of team leadership

Leadership of a senior team can be a lonely business and offer challenges that can excite and at times overwhelm even the most experienced leader. Even being a member of a senior team is often a highly pressurised role where performance expectations are high.

Our work with CEO’s, Executive Directors and senior leaders ensures that they have dedicated time and a confidential space to learn, and adapt, and are able to enhance their own capabilities, strengths, and confidence in their role, in their specific context.

Our Executive Leadership Coaching programmes aim to enable clients, to not just do leadership better, but to become better leaders, and better team members, instilling a growth in mindset and behaviour that is translated into excellence in action.

If you are interested in how we can support you, please get in touch.


The Team Leadership Programme

For any organisation, great teams are the strongest source of advantage, for they represent the ecosystem through which work is done, with the environment of the team being pivotal not only to the results it creates, but also to its sense of cohesion, enjoyment, and meaning.

In this context, team leadership remains the single most important factor in the performance, development, and well-being of a team, with research showing that the culture of a team is influenced by between 60% and 80% by the leader of the team.

While there is no shortage of leadership development programmes to consider, few focus on the environment in which leadership is most often required and applied; that of LEADING THE TEAM.



Many talented leaders have never had the opportunity to explore or fully understand the science and the art of team leadership. However, they are still invariably faced with a variety of challenges they would like to be better equipped to deal with, including:

  • Knowing how important it is for the team to perform, and yet being unclear of where to start or how to affect clear and sustained change.
  • Being aware of areas of silo working, unresolved tension or conflict within the team and being unsure of how best to resolve it successfully.
  • Dealing with high levels of change, complexity and uncertainty, and wanting to better support the team to become more resilient.
  • Recognising that while their own leadership style has clear strengths and advantages, there are elements that need to change, adapt or improve if they are to lead the team effectively through current challenges.

The Team Leadership Programme supports leaders to resolve these and many other challenges, honouring the high level of capability and commitment they bring to their role, while supporting a deeper level of knowledge and practical understanding of what will support them and their teams to perform to their best.

Purpose and learning outcomes:

To support team leaders to enable their team to thrive and excel by:

  • Understanding the core elements that need to be in place for teams to excel, and to how to practically apply their learning in support of the teams and their own future success.
  • Exploring their own leadership style through self-reflection and team feedback, appreciating strengths and areas that require change and development.
  • Learning how to deal with conflict and to effectively engage in difficult, but essential conversations with others.
  • Strengthen the team and their own ability to maintain well-being and resilience within a VUCA environment.
  • Appreciate how to work well with difference, to ensure inclusion and enable teams strengths to be better utilized.
  • Increase their level of confidence to apply and express their leadership, in acknowledging both their own needs and the needs of the organisational system.


Understanding the programme:

A 2-hour virtual briefing to orientate you to the programme, to clarify learning objectives, and to begin to form working partnership across all participants of the programme in order that learning can be shared and enhanced.

360º feedback and review:

Each team leader will undertake our evidence based Adaptable Team Survey (‘ATF’) with their team at the start of the programme, as a means of providing insight on how their team is currently operating, and to provide feedback to the leader.  The survey results will be explored in an individual debriefing sessions and the process will be repeated at the end of the programme and a means of tracking progress and highlighting on-going development needs for the leader and the team.

Team leadership development plan:

At the start of the programme, you will be asked to complete a Team Leadership Development Plan, to support you to embed your learning, and to be able to better apply it.

Workshop modules:

4 x 1 Day Workshop Modules, designed to cover core programme content and provide space for thought, discussion, support, and challenge.  These workshops are highly interactive, and will include paired, small group and plenary conversations, exercises and skills practice, somatic learning, and space for reflection.   

Leadership circles:

These 2-hour action learning and mentoring sessions are designed to support team leaders in small groups, to explore emerging challenges, providing a forum for shared learning and guidance from the programme leader, while actively using the experience and wisdom of the group.  


If you are interested in how we can support you and your team, please get in touch.

Book a free, no obligation meeting with David



If you're interested in our service or want to know more about how Centre For Teams can help you, please book in a meeting with me David to discuss any of your questions.

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